Perijove 17
By Philosophia-47 on 2019-02-08 UT
The attached PDF is a report on the PJ17 images. Highlights include:
--A view of Io with a visible volcanic plume;
--The shadow of Amalthea on the EZ, plus a mysterious tiny dark spot on NEBn;
--A map covering much of the planet at the start of the new apparition;
--Fine details of the NTB rifted region with hazes and clouds at different levels;
--The ochre-coloured EZ, with some mesoscale waves;
--JunoCam’s first good view of oval BA, now almost white; its rapid circulation has been visualised.
The full-size figures will be added in a subsequent ZIP file.
- PJ17-report_Part1&Figs.pdf [1.01 MB]
Finally, an Appendix to the PJ17 report, presenting measurements of the wind speeds within Oval BA.
These are the full-size figures for Part II of the PJ17 report.
Here is Part II of the PJ17 report, covering the polar regions, especially the polygons of circumpolar cyclones.
--John Rogers
Here are the full-size figures.