Marble Movie Parts 1 to 4, Preliminary Level 2

2016-08-23 23:50 UT
Credit : NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt, youtube upload Emily Lakdawalla
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 1

The animation covers all RGB stills from image #1590 to #4676, with few exceptions.

For each still image of the sequence, and for each pixel of a target still, the according three color channels red, green, and blue have been extracted from the respective raw JNCE image, and combined to a colored pixel.

The resulting intermediate level 1 images were square-root encoded like the raw images. This encoding makes Jupier look flat and a little pale. Squaring the color values to their approximate "linearized" relative physical values and, some brightess stretching improves contrast, and makes Jupiter look spherical.

This method, however reduces drastically the apparent brightness of the orbiting moons. Due to their small apparent size, they need a different processing to get enhanced. These two different processing methods within one image lead to a zone around Jupiter which favors Jupiter and dims the moons.

There exist methods to mitigate this dimming effect. Therefore this version of Marble Movie is to be considered as preliminary.

And it's only about the first half of the scheduled movie, since it ends near Juno's apojove, the most distant point from Jupiter with an orbit.

Besides Jupiter, the three most apparent objects in the movie are the three inner Galilean moons Io, Europa, and Ganymede. Callisto is close to the background noise level, and filtered out in many stills by the somewhat crude preliminary noise filter applied to the stills.

The movie is time-lapsed, and the time-lapse rate changes within the movie according to the frequency RGB images have been taken by JunoCam.