Marble Movie RGB stills #1590 to #2447

2016-08-12 10:46 UT
Credit : NASA/JPL/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 1

JunoCam took RGB, blue, and a few "methane" images in the first phase of "Marble Movie" after JOI. These are the first 600 RGB still images of "Marble Movie", processed to align RGB channels, stretched to cover the whole range of brightness values for each of the three color channels, and linearized, i.e. the raw square-root encioded values have been squared. The images are supersampled by about a factor of 4 compared to the raw images, in order to transfer most of the raw pixel data into the processed image. Raw pixels of different channels are displaced by subpixel lengths with respect to each other. This information would go lost without supersampling, and hence blur the image.

The underlying idea of the geometric processing has been some camera model (not necessarily the physically correct one) which yields accurate RGB alignment for this specific sequence of images. The target scene is sufficiently distant to have allowed to be modeled as static and unstructured in essentially infinite distance.